
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Laws Regarding Cell Phones In The Workplace


There will be new laws regarding cell phones in the workplace that will affect everyone. The Federal Trade Commission has just passed a resolution that they will begin an investigation into the use of cell phone voice messaging while on the job. This means that if you are found to be doing this then you could be facing severe punishments. The problem is that not all employees to use cell phones and therefore no one has actually caught them yet. So what exactly will happen?

First of all there will be a ban placed on the use of text messaging while on company property. The main concern here is that staff may find this an effective way of getting away with things like harassment of younger staff members. If you are found to be breaking these new laws regarding cell phones in the workplace, you will be asked to stop immediately. If you do not abide by this request then you may be forced to leave. Staff should also be made aware of the fact that it will be considered harassment if they are caught text messaging other staff members.

There will also be rules about where cell phones can be used. Cell phones will not be allowed in the house or in the workspace. However they will be welcome at meetings if appropriate headphones are used and they remain silent when they are not being used. It would also be considered harassment if a staff member uses their personal cell to text others when not supposed to. This means that they can be disciplined by losing their job.

The main question that many people have is, "What about the millions of dollars we spend on cell phones?" Well, the answer is simple. There will be less money in the pocket, as there will be a ban on using them at work. If you need to text other staff members you can buy a laptop or a Blackberry for work. However, these will not be covered by the new laws regarding cell phones in the workplace.

The other part of the laws regarding cell phones in the workplace is that they will not be allowed in the waiting area or in the conference rooms where there is more than one phone call happening. You can keep other phones like the hand held ones but you cannot bring a cell phone from your pocket to the conference room. This means that you can't pick up the receiver from the desk or from your purse either.

In order to use the cell phone in a professional setting, you will need to have an earphone. These earphones will be given to staff on a random basis so that they can use them throughout the day and in all situations. Staff may have up to one extra earphone. You will still need to have a microphone if you wish to take down notes. There are no special rules regarding loud talking but it is not advisable to talk over other people as this will break the law.

It is possible to make a noise that is quite loud without breaking any laws regarding cell phones in the workplace. However, you will find that the audiovisual or visual stimulation can be controlled if you choose a headset. There are many different types of headsets on the market and you can make your own. If you own your own headset, you will be able to avoid annoying others.

It is possible to make your workplace more pleasant by changing some of the equipment you use. It is also possible to follow the laws regarding cell phones in the workplace regarding how long certain parts of the office may be used by cell phones. The use of computers in the workplace is allowed provided they are used in the correct manner. The use of personal digital assistants (PDAs) is not allowed in most workplaces.

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